Friday, July 8, 2011

Kereta terbang

sebuah syarikat kereta terbang Terrafugia telah mengumumkan national highway traffic safety administrations (NHTSA)telah meluluskan projek diorang nih..

Unlike other projects like the Skycar, the Transition is meant to function as both a street-legal car and a light aircraft. The idea is that you could drive it from your home, right onto the airfield, and take off. But to balance the requirements of the stresses of flight, the Transition needed heavy duty tires and a heavy-duty polycarbonate windscreen. Both of these required special exemptions from the NHTSA, which Terrafugia has now secured.For Terrafugia, receiving these exceptions is a great accomplishment but it is by no means the last hurdle for the Transition. The company still has some rounds of torturous safety testing ahead of it, and then the task of marketing and selling what is sure to be a pricey piece of luxury machinery. sapa nak kesah? xpayah terbang2 la. gayat

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